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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

New Light Shed As Rival Attorneys Make Public Allegations Against Fulton Cty. DA

NATION: On Sunday, a report from Dukton County provides information of the ongoing matter involving District Attorney Fani Willis. Last year, Willis brought charges against former President Donald Trump, ultimately, indicting Trump on Raketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization Act violations. Earlier this month the report of Willis being engaged in a sordid extramarital affair with the Fulton County Deputy DA has shed new light involving allegations of Willis' activities while the DA continues with the case against Trump.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter.

It was in 2021, following the 2030 General Election that Fulton Coubty DA, Fani Willis, began an investigation of voting fraud allegation scagsinst former President Donald Trump. The investigation by Willis uncovered evidence of corruption involving the allegations that attempts had been made by members of the former President, Donald Trump's White House team, to carry forth a plot to overturn the outcome ofthe Georgia election.

An indictment followed the Fulton County DA's office discovering that, included in a falsified voting fraud claim, there was testimony made by the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

that the former President placed a phone call to Raffensberger''s office requesting 11000 votes the Trump side required to defeat his opponent.

According to Willis' report, some 13,000 votes were found and reported by at some stage as efforts were made by voting analysts , employed by Trump team, to remove voting machines for the purpose of perusing encrypted voting data..

During the unfolding of tge investigation by Willis the Fulton DA hired Nathan Wade to assist with the investigation. Wade was afforded travel expenses whike oerduing information surrounding tge case involving the former President while meeting with possible witnesses in a manner not unlike a trip made to Athens, Ga. involving the investigation.

In addition to efforts being made by a group of Willis's rivals, allegations of some form of surreptitiously conducted meeting by Wade with the President The DA's office indicstedms tgst Wade was engaged in one such event involving the Deputy DA's pursuit of information from potential witnesses who may have known anything surrounding the activities that led up to the Trump team's election overturning efforts -- that which is that the crux of the charges involving RICO Act violations. Today, 19 members of Trump's White House team, including former President Fonsld Trump, have been inducted.

In regard to matters involving Fani Willie's and vomments made by a rulivsl group of attorneys, as tge RICO Act violations case made against Trump continues, concerns may have been raised in regard to clsims made involving an excess in salary payments made to Wade during his investigation travels snd those citing a trip to Athens , a city in Georgia, which was, also, a matter of a claim made by Willis' rivals who alleged that trips were made abroad by both Willis and Wade.

As a result of these matters, more likely, being gas lighted by rival attorneys , Willis may be facing some questions by a grand jury involving the allegations made by the Trump team.

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