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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

US House Approves $26.8B Military Package To Israel-Democrats Detect Poison Pill Contamination

NATION: On Wednesday, the US Congress passes a bill to include an aid to Israel funding package to the national budget. Today, the House approved a $26 billion dollar military aid bill providing assistance to Israel during the defensive efforts made to oppose the Hamas invasion. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter "Speaker Johnson, the new speaker, knows perfectly well that if you want to truly help Israel, you can’t propose partisan legislation that is full of poison pills."--Senator Chuck Schumer By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter Today, members of the House and Senate have agreed--Isreal has the right to defend itself, says Senator Tim Scott, a Republican who plans to place an approving vote in regard to the US' Israel defense aid package. The appearance of the ultimate peak in between House Democrats and Republicans agreements responds to President Joe Biden's long lingering hope in the plan for securing bilateral agreements. "We face a set of urgent and interrelated national security priorities, and we cannot do half the job. --Senator Patty Murray During comments placed today by members of the US 2nd and 3rd braches, members on both sides ofthe aisle have considered the Israel-Hamas conflict stating that the United States is in such a position that ensures solidarity among Americans and , in particular, among those who have the power to determine what may transpire in the way of providing military defense provisions to Israel. Yet, today, as the approval of a sizeable bill was passed by the House, there are members of the 2nd power branch that disapprove of the conditions set by the Republican House speaker, Mike Johnson. Today Senator Chuck Schumer commented in regard to Johnsons Israel aid proposal stating that even a partisan approach to an approval should avoid the contingncies added by Johnson--those Schumer refers to as "...poison pills." The Senate takes a differing stance with the Johnson bill , Senator Murray stating the Israel package proposal is "dead on arrival." Murray, a Democrat and President pro Tempore ofthe Senate, stated, today, that all matters at issue must be addressed and included in one bipartisan package. Today, while the House republicans' propsed military aid remains littered with conflicting propositions between Israel and Ukraine. while johnson has added what Democrats regard as noxious elements to the proposed bill that contains cuts to the IRS to increase the budget deficit, President Joe Biden has admonished the House that, should the necessary considerations fail to be met, the bill will be vetoed upon its arrival on his desk.

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