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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Vice President Harris Travels Along w/Washington Dignitaries Paying Tribute to Jackson-Lee

“It is a privilege to serve the people. A privilege that must be earned and once earned , there is an obligation to do something good with it .”— Former 18th District Congresswoman, Barbara Jordan

NATION: On Thursday, US Vice President Kamala Harris arrived in Houston. Texas to pay last rites tribute to the late U.S. Congresssomsn. Sheila Jackson-Lee. Services were held, today, for the US Congresswoman who passed away last week of complications associated with cancer.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

"To know her was to know a true champion. Everything she did, Sheila Jackson Lee worked with all her heart," —DNC Presumptive President, US Vice President, Kamala Harris

On Thursday in Houston, Texas Vice President Kamala Harris joined the family ofthe honorable US Congresswoman along with former US President Bill Clinton and former First Lady, Senator , Hillary Clinton, US House Minority Speaker, Hakeem Jeffries, US Former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and 50 members of the US Congress.

No matter what you had on your mind, Sheila Jackson-Lee would demand a very…specific conversation with you about what she had on her mind.”— US Vice President Harris

Harris commented in regard to US Congresswoman Jackson-Lee stating that she was a national leader who “ touched the lives of people…” across the United States.

I called to thank her. I called to thank her for the impact she’s had on so many people . She always encouraged us and always expected us to rise to a point of excellence knowing life was too short and there’s too much to be done.” — Vice President Kamala Harris, Presumptive DNC Nominee for President

Jackson Lee was ubiquitous… “she celebrated with the people “—those in Houston who shared with her in love.

A forced to be reconned with, Harris commented, adding that Congresswoman Jackson-Lee never tolerated mediocrity. “She always expected in all of us that we would rise to a point of excellence knowing life was too short and there's just too much to be done,” Harris doted.

Harris referred to Jackson-Lee’s legislative ability as masterful adding that she was one of the most intelligent and “…most strategic legislators in Washington DC.”

Jackson-Lee was not only unrelenting she was a sucker for right and a diligent fighter for the righteous Harris commented, jokingly, that at time she almost hid from Jackson-Lee to duck out iftge path of her relentlessness. In her relentless plight impartings, the Congresswoman, Harris said, “…would tell you exactly what she needed you to do to help her get it done.”

Harris’ eulogy included comments that praised Jackson-Lee for her love for the people and how she would champion every opportunity to go to work to accomplish something that provided for the people.

Jackson-Lee stood with the of Houston, once persuading Houston business owners to donate $350,000 to ensure community pools might remain open to the public.

A national leader, Jackson-Lee helped to organize the prevention of ‘Violence Against Women Act.’ The Vongresswoman founded tge Vongresdional Children’s Caucus, assisted with establishing legislation to preserve the rights of LGBTQs and , Harris stated, “ it was Sheila Jackson-Lee whose Bill made Juneteenth a federal holiday.” Harris stated that she co-sponsored the Juneteenth ( June 19th Annual National Holiday) Bill as a Senator and stood with President Joe Biden to pass the bill that was signed into law as a holiday

Harris stated, “Sheila Jackson-Lee understood the privilege, the obligation and nobility of public service... through her service, she did untold good.

Vice President Harris commented that she spoke with US Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson-Lee to thank her for her many years of contributions. Harris added that she mentioned to the Congresswoman how grateful she has been for the impact she had on her and her career.

“I expressed to her my personal gratitude for her longstanding friendship and inspiration…I thanked her for her courage and her conviction and her relentless focus on those who are too often left out and left behind and her unwavering belief in the power that we each have to change our country for the better…”

As she stepped onto the Congresdionsl chamber stage after first being elected 30 years ago, Harris stated that Sheila Jackson-Lee commented, ‘“As members of. Congress , we are here to make change.”’ Harris commented Congresswoman Jackson-Lee “…was a change maker,” the Vice President adding “…she worked with all her heart to lift up the people of her city, her state and of our nation…In her honor, let us continue to fight to realize the promise of our nation; the promise if freedom, of opportunity and of Justice, not just for some, but for all.”

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