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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

White House Confirms Biden's Meeting w/ Xi Next Week in California

POLITICS: On Friday, the white House has reported in regard to the mmeeting between US President Joe Biden and chinese President Xi. The scheduled Biden-Xi meeting is planed to convene on November 15 in San Franciscio during the APEC Summit. The meeting in California will represent the first for the two foreign leaders since their meeting that transpired one year ago. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter Next Wednesday, US President Joe Biden will meet-up with President Xi of China engaging in a number of [pivotal discussions, particularly , talks on matters that have transpired involving differences between the US and the PRC. The meeting was confiormed , today, by the white House following an apparent stand offish discourse primarlily conducted on the part of Xi . The Chinese leader has faced with economic woes in the last quarters of 2023 and, as a result, be forced ti focus directly on china-centered crisis. Without much being said, it seemd Xi's efforts at distancing himslef from the white House hinted of the Chinese leader's finger being pointed at the US, as if claiming the United States' responsibility for China's economic downslide. Despite their differences and, while dicussions between Biden and Xi will canvas certain economic issues, the meeting between Biden and Xi is expected to, also, allow the two leaders to address matters allowing each gonvernment to air their positions on the Israel-Hamas crisis, the Ukraine-russian war and matters associated with the Indo-Pacific. Adding tension to the a mounting relational crisis btween the United States and china, the US encountered a number of quite rare and unusual events, such that directly involved PRC in an air spoace invasion. Earlier in the year, the United States tracked more than one unmanned balloon, one of which china claimed was a weather research vessel. That balloon had been gunned down by US military, its fallout collected and studied by US federal government. While Chinese leaders made the claim that the baloons were harmless, the US may, also, state claim to a number of unusual events that transpired in the US and Canada immediately following the appearance of the unmanned vessels doscovered by the US as being spy balloons. During the course of US visits to Taiwan, China, also, launched threats against visits slated for be ing made by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in addition to US Sos' Antony Blinken's cancelled visit to Beijing that was based on threats made by the PRC. China threatened that there would be devastating consequences as the same threats were lodged by the Chinese government against the US' planned visits to the Phillipines and Taiwan with China claiming control of the open seas in the Asia Pacific.

Despite the controversial eruptions in US-China relations, PRC leadership is seeking certain assurances from the US including an end to the apparent Cold War. China , also, may expect the US to agree that the nation of Taiwan has no right to seek independence from the PRC. While a meeting that, also, transpired earlier in the year between US Sectretary of Treasury Janet Yellen and China's Vice President, He Lifeng represwented an event that might have cleared a bit of the smoggy air between the leading economic and technological nations, still, regardless of Xi's hope for the US taking full responsibility for difusing the discord, US President Biden does not appear to be set for accepting total responsibility for quelling the disconcertive goings-on betwee the US and China.

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