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WNBA Pro Basketball Center Brittany Grimer Speaks Out About Her Suicide Temptation & Her Families Love That Pulled Her Through

"That was my hero. I wanted to be a cop. I didn't want to play basketball growing up...wanted to be a cop and go into the military actually. And doesn't it make me more American that I'm demonstrating the protests? That's my right as an American, so for me to be called un-American, I was blown away at that."-- US WNBA Pro Athlete, Brittany Griner

STATE & NATIONAL: This week, during a recent interview the US WNBA basketball star, Britany Griner commented in reference to her detainment in Russia. Griner stated that the experience was quite scary adding, "I was like, whole life flashing before my eyes kind of feeling." By Anne M. Erbynstein "How could I have made this mistake?"--WNBA Star Center, Brittany Griner Speaks of her env=counter in the Russian detention center During an interview with the hosts of the television show, the View, Brittany Griner, released from Russian prison in December 2022 after 10 months in captivity, the stellar awarded athlete stated that she had often considered suicide. Griner commented that she "...felt the dirtiest..." she had ever felt in life, adding that her family kept her going during the arduous month in Russian prison.

"People that call me careless, have you ever forgot your keys? Or where's my glasses? Everyone's made a mistake before."-- Phoeniix Mercury Center, Brittany Griner The 6'9" Phoenix Mercury center commented that if she went through with that which she had felt compelled to do as a result of a deep state of depression while remaining for such an extended period in Russian prison, she commented that she her feared her family would not even be privileged to receiving her remains from Russia. Griner stated that it was the thought that her family, might endure so much more than they were, already going through, the much turmoil associated with the helpless feeling of their loved one being locked away in, not only a prison, but in a prison in Russia--Griner stated it was that thought of their suffering more that helped her to hold on. At the time of her arrest, Griner was searched and detained. Authorities conducting the search located less than a gram of THC. Russian authorities ignore the fact that, WNBA pro basketball star, Griner had been prescribed the THC as a medication treatment for depression.

Griner commented on how her experience in Russia was quite frightening. The Phoenix Mercury star ball player stated that the worst part of being in a Russian prison is the fact that " don't know anything that's going on..." Griner stated that in prison, Americans are spoken to in Russian adding that the guards don't even try to relate to American prisoners, indicating that "...they just point to you." Brittany Griner was released from prison after negotiations held between the US and Russia came to an agreement on the release of notorious Russian born assassin. Viktor Bout in exchange for the, then, 31 year old American athlete.

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